Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My date with Scott Brison

I happened to meet Scott Brison yesterday at the Royal Oak in Ottawa. A jolly old fellow, if I might say so myself. I asked him a question on floor crossing, and how it causes cynicism, and how, given his 'previous experience', what his opinion on it was...Does he support the NDP floor-crossing bill? It was the last question he took, before being whisked away, and he went on a tirade saying: the NDP are only proposing the bill cause no one ever wants to cross to there party, and how MPs must have the right to change parties; how Kings-Hants, a Conservative riding since 1867, voted Liberal; how he would have been the "patron saint of hypocrisy" of he stayed with the Conservatives after he met with Harper and Harper told him same-sex marriage would be an election platform issue of the newly merged Conservative party; how he feels like an immigrant, as he wasn't "born into" the Liberal Party, but he "came into" it so he appreciates it that much more.

Very good speaker; I give him A for effort. But Uncle J is not easily fooled. I am wise beyond my years, and I know when someone's grandstanding, and yanking my chain. But don't make the mistake of underestimating Brison - I think he might be a serious contender. While he might not understand the principle of "subverting the will of the people" [refer to same name post below] , he almost wooed me. However, it took every grain in my body not to burst out laughing after his "patron saint of hyprocrisy" comment. Ah, those were good times. While he does not have my support, I admire Brison's attitude. For the record, I was probably one of the only people at the rendezvous who DID NOT sign his nomination papers when they were passed around.

We'll see how this guy turns out. I'm anxious to meet some of the other candidates.

Uncle J

Comments welcome


Blogger catnip said...

You had a man-date?

5:18 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew said...

He's right in a sense, but the last person the NDP lost officially was Angela Vautour. Chris Axworthy and Ujjal Dosanjh didn't cross the floor while holding seats.

Kudos Joseph - I wish I had been less easily swayed back in the day.

6:05 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

1:17 a.m.  

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