Friday, June 02, 2006


We need someone inspiring to take the helm of this great party. Someone from the rank and file will identify and empathize with average Canadians. Someone who can not only fluently communicate in both official languages, but can understand the people behind those languages. Someone who is young, and has refreshing ideas that we have not heard in the public forum for many years. A person that believes in the two most fundamental premises of liberalism: progress and individual liberty.

I believe there is only one person, who can do the things listed above. One person who can unite our party, and bring it back to its former glory. One person who can make a case FOR the Liberal Party to the Canadian people, and can ultimately beat Stephen Harper.

There is only one candidate that has given me that hope for the future; who has inspired me to hope for a strong, united Canada --- prosperous and just, generous and proud.

That candidate is none other than Martha Hall Findlay.

I wish her the best in this campaign.

Comments welcome,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop smoking so much weed and get serious!

9:19 p.m.  
Blogger BW said...

It takes guts to make that choice and I respect you for it.

12:03 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent choice!

Hall Findlay indeed is a great choice to lead the Liberal Party.

11:15 p.m.  

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