My Rendez-vous with Martha Hall Findlay
This morning I met Liberal Leadership Candidate Martha Hall Findlay in a function hosted by the Lanark Frontenac - Lennox Addington Federal Liberal Association. Let me resume this rendezvous with one word: refreshing
A small group of Liberals were gathered around the table talking to one another civilly about the issues at hand for our party and our country. Other leadership candidates were mentionned, not in a hostile way; rather, in a respectful tone. Hall Findlay's views on many issues are bold, but on the other hand, there is a sense of realism as she knows that retail politics does not work. A person who comprehends the fragile nature of our federalism, and how important federal-provincial discussions are. A small note to make, on a simply linguistic note, was her consistent use of the first-person plural ["we", "us"] in reference to citizens in different provinces (i.e. Alberta, and Quebec), instead of in the third-person--- such a subtle usage breeds a culture of inclusiveness.
NOTICE TO ALL LIBERALS: Look earnestly at this candidate, as she seems to have the whole package. Young, bilingual, female, experienced, fresh --- what more can one ask for? This is the type of person we need to inspire the generational change that will hopefully eradicate cynicism in Canadian politics for years to come.
Some might say, "Well, Uncle J, she's not a serious contender". I say to those persons, "Why not?" Who determines who's serious or not? CTV, CBC, Globe and mail??? I don't think is the rank and file members of the Liberal party who will have the final word.
So to those who have not yet decided whom they will support, I hope they will at least consider Martha Hall Findlay as a serious and capable Liberal leadership candidate.
Uncle J